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The end of mailing lists?

The end of mailing lists? published on 1 Comment on The end of mailing lists?
from the Chronicle of Higher Education:

Change or Die: Scholarly E-Mail Lists, Once Vibrant, Fight for Relevance
By Jeffrey R. Young

Once they were hosts to lively discussions about academic style and substance, but the time of scholarly e-mail lists has passed, meaningful posts slowing to a trickle as professors migrate to blogs, wikis, Twitter, and social networks like Facebook.

That’s the argument made by T. Mills Kelly, an associate professor of history and associate director of the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University. Naturally, he first made the argument on his blog, and he has mentioned it on the technology podcast he hosts with two colleagues.

A close look at some of the largest academic listservs, however, shows signs of enduring life and adaptation to the modern world.

1 Comment

I have been following the discussion sparked by this article on mailing lists I receive with great interest. It is fascinating to see who defends this lists as valuable, often in surprisingly lengthy comments. Even more interesting, to me, is the number of readers subscribed to such lists who remain quiet – and keep resorting to Twitter, Facebook, their blog etc. No doubt, mailing lists are the least interactive version we currently have available – no favourites, no way to share or comment quickly. It certainly is time to re-think how mailing lists could adjust, we won’t need to abolish them over night.

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